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School design architecture services green schoolsProject management planning to completionExisting school refurbishmentredesignkindergarden furnitureHigh school FurniturePremium furniture for International schoolsHostel furnitureTablets with pre loaded content CBSE ICSE StateSmartTech Computer LabsGPRS for buses student trackingAuggmented Reality LibrariesAI based School contentMathematicaDiscovery PodMini and Mega AuditoriumsPhygital LibrariesPhygital Science labsArt Music EnviromentsAnimated play Interactive wallsSchool sports acaedemyPools aqua complexSurface Sports Tennis basketballCricket baseball pitchesArtificial turf Synthetic Acrylic surfacesPlayscapes Childhood activitySchool funding JV & operationsSchool buy and sell services